Verge Whitford & Co Lawyers and Notaries | Verge Whitford & Co specialises in the areas of film, television and digital media law and represents a variety of financiers, equity investors and independent producers. We provide production legal representation as well as structuring film finance transactions. We provide fast and reliable legal assistance to clients, using plain English and appropriate technology. We follow sound principles of financial and project management to ensure our clients receive a high standard of service. Verge Whitford & Co also has ready access to additional resources in other areas of law. | Winner 2021 Lawyer Network Annual Award Film & Television Sector Law Firm of the Year in Australia – 2021 Winner AI Magazine Most Outstanding Film, Television & Digital Media Law Firm 2017 - Australia Winner 2016 Corporate Intl Magazine Global Award ‘Film & Television Law Firm of the Year in Australia’ Winner 2014 Corporate Intl Magazine Global Award ‘Film & Television Law Firm of the Year in Australia’ Arts Law Pro Bono Awards Winner 2013
 | Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation | |